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To contribute to this package, you should follow the below steps:

  1. Create a issue at describing the problem or feature you want to work on.
  2. Wait until the issue is approved by a package maintainer.
  3. Create a fork of the repository at
  4. Make your edits as described in section Making Edits
  5. Create a pull request at

Making Edits

Things you can update, are:

  1. Function code in folder R
  2. Function documentation in folder R
  3. Package documentation in folder vignettes
  4. Test cases in folder tests
  5. Dependencies in file DESCRIPTION
  6. Authors in file DESCRIPTION

Whenever you update any of those things, you should run the below commands to check that everything is still working as expected:

devtools::document() # Build files in man folder
devtools::spell_check() # Check spelling (add false positives to inst/WORDLIST)
urlchecker::url_check() # Check URLs
devtools::test() # Execute tests from tests folder
toscutil::check_pkg_docs() # Check function documentation for missing tags
devtools::check() # Check package formalities
devtools::install() # Install as required by next command
pkgdown::build_site() # Build website in docs folder

After doing these steps, you can push your changes to Github.

Releasing to CRAN

Whenever a package maintainer wants to release a new version of the package to CRAN, they should:

  1. Check whether the release requirements are fulfilled
  2. Use the following commands to do a final check of the package and release it to CRAN
# Check spelling and URLs. False positive findings of spell check should be
# added to inst/WORDLIST.

# Slower, but more realistic tests than devtools::check()
  args = c("--no-manual", "--as-cran"),
  build_args = ("--no-manual"),
  error_on = ("warning"),
  check_dir = "../FastRet-RCMDcheck"
  remote = TRUE,
  manual = TRUE,
  run_dont_test = TRUE

# Check reverse dependencies. For details see:
revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 8)

# Send your package to CRAN's builder services. You should receive an e-mail
# within about 30 minutes with a link to the check results. Checking with
# check_win_devel is required by CRAN policy and will (also) be done as part
# of CRAN's incoming checks.

# Use the following command to submit the package to CRAN of submit via the web
# interface available at