To contribute to this package, you should follow the below steps:
- Create a issue at describing the problem or feature you want to work on.
- Wait until the issue is approved by a package maintainer.
- Create a fork of the repository at
- Make your edits as described in section Making Edits
- Create a pull request at
Making Edits
Things you can update, are:
- Function code in folder R
- Function documentation in folder R
- Package documentation in folder
- Test cases in folder tests
- Dependencies in file DESCRIPTION
- Authors in file DESCRIPTION
Whenever you update any of those things, you should run the below commands to check that everything is still working as expected:
devtools::document() # Build files in man folder
devtools::spell_check() # Check spelling (add false positives to inst/WORDLIST)
urlchecker::url_check() # Check URLs
devtools::test() # Execute tests from tests folder
toscutil::check_pkg_docs() # Check function documentation for missing tags
devtools::check() # Check package formalities
devtools::install() # Install as required by next command
pkgdown::build_site() # Build website in docs folder
After doing these steps, you can push your changes to Github.
Releasing to CRAN
Whenever a package maintainer wants to release a new version of the package to CRAN, they should:
- Check whether the release requirements are fulfilled
- Use the following commands to do a final check of the package and release it to CRAN
# Check spelling and URLs. False positive findings of spell check should be
# added to inst/WORDLIST.
# Slower, but more realistic tests than devtools::check()
args = c("--no-manual", "--as-cran"),
build_args = ("--no-manual"),
error_on = ("warning"),
check_dir = "../FastRet-RCMDcheck"
remote = TRUE,
manual = TRUE,
run_dont_test = TRUE
# Check reverse dependencies. For details see:
revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 8)
# Send your package to CRAN's builder services. You should receive an e-mail
# within about 30 minutes with a link to the check results. Checking with
# check_win_devel is required by CRAN policy and will (also) be done as part
# of CRAN's incoming checks.
# Use the following command to submit the package to CRAN of submit via the web
# interface available at