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Check mse calculation in Rust

Test install on clean OS

Add a workflow for testing installation on a clean Windows/Linux/Mac OS with R pre-installed, but without R-tools and any packages.

Done: Mar 10. Branch: mdrb. PR:

Add Rust Backend Installer

The Rust backend should only be built for R versions >= 4.2.0 and if RTools is available. If any of these conditions is not fulfilled, compilation should be skipped.

If skipping compilation is not possible, because we load the dynamic lib in NAMESPACE, it should be generated in a way that does not use any features required by R 4.2.0 or greater. If we choose backend == “rust”, we need to check whether the required functions are available.

Update 10.3.2025: Instead of making compilation optional we should provide a seperate R package mdrb (Metabodecon Rust Backend) which we can install upon request. I.e. we need to implement:

  1. A function check_mdrb() that checks whether mdrb is already installed.
  2. A function check_mdrb_deps() that checks whether mdrb can be installed. Required dependencies are
    • R version 4.2 or higher
    • Build tools for R (RTools on Windows, build-essentials on Linux, XCode on Mac)
    • Cargo and rustc version 1.78 or higher
  3. A function install_mdrb(), that
    1. Does nothing if mdrb is already installed
    2. Prints installation instructions for mdrb dependencies if check_mdrb_deps() lists missing dependencies
    3. Calls pak::pkg_install("spang-lab/mdrb") if all requirements are satisfied

Done: Mar 14. Branch: mdrb. PR:

Rename deconvolute_ispec

This is a preparation for issue Add Rust Backend Argument. Rename deconvolute_ispec() to deconvolute_spectrum() and deconvolute_ispecs() to deconvolute_spectra().

Done: Mar 18-22. Branch: mdrb. PR:

Add Rust Backend Argument

Add an experimental argument use_rust in deconvolute() causing the following behaviour:

use_rust check_mdrb call
FALSE anything deconvolute_spectrum_r()
NULL FALSE deconvolute_spectrum_r()
NULL TRUE deconvolute_spectrum_rust()
TRUE TRUE deconvolute_spectrum_rust()

With MESSAGE being something like “Rust backend not installed yet. Please call install_mdrb() first.”


Done: Mar 18-25. Branch: mdrb. PR:


Add Wolframs Issues

Add the issues Wolfram sent me by Mail.

Add index vignette

There should be one vignette shipped with the package that is as small as possible and contains klinks to the online documentation.

Check missing pkgs in align

Installation via install.packages("metabodecon") do not install MassSpecWavelet and impute. So if a user doesn’t copy paste the installation instructions but installed via install.packages("metabodecon"), these dependencies will be missing. In such scenarios, we should print an error message with the required install commands and abort.

Improve questions

  1. Question Signal free region correctly selected? (y/n) should be replaced by Borders to Signal Free Regions (green) correctly selected? (y/n)
  2. Question Water artefact fully inside red vertical lines? (y/n) should be replaced by Water artefact fully inside blue area? (y/n)

Add function get_si_mat

Add a function get_si_mat() for extracting a matrix of signal intensities (SI) from a metabodecon object. The type of returned SI should be raw for spectra, sup for decons and al for aligns.

Add authors to functions

Add lifecycle badges to functions

Improve Sap Dataset

Sap spectra should be simulated as follows:

  1. Find three metabolites mets related to diabetes with only 1-3 peaks each.
  2. Look up their signal centers x0_ and halfwidths lambda_.
  3. Define two groups: healthy and diabetes.
  4. Draw signal areas for each sample from a distribution. The distribution should be different for healthy and diabetes.
  5. Draw metabolite shifts for each sample from a normal distribution.
  6. Apply the shifts to the signal centers.
  7. Simulate data as usual using simulate_spectra
  8. Make sure, all of the above information is stored inside $meta$simpar

Improve Get-Started vignette

Add nicer plots. Improve alignment part.

Write Deconvolution-Details Vignette

Write Alignment Details Vignette

Analyze runtime

Do a benchmark about which parts take up the most time in deconvolute and align and create issues for improving them. Some of the slow parts should already be mentioned in issues. If this is the case, increase the priority of these issue.

Write paper

Reformat the vignettes as paper and send to Wolfram for proofreading.

Warn user if peaks in SFR

If delta is small (e.g. 1), peaks in SFR might not be filtered out. Either implement this and warn user about it (this is a strong indication that delta was chosen too small).

Note 23.1.2025: in Rust implementation peaks found in IGNORE-REGION are already filtered out automatically before parameter approximation AND points in IGNORE-REGIONS do not contribute to MSE and/or PRARP.

Improve mse_normed calculation

In function add_return_list:

  1. Make the following part faster (or remove completely):

    s <- sapply(x, function(x_i) sum(abs(A * (lambda / (lambda^2 + (x_i - w)^2))))) # takes approx. 2.2 seconds for urine_1

  2. Return mse_normed_raw in addition to mse_normed (which is calculated based on y <- spec$y_smooth). mse_normed_raw should be based on y <- spec$y_raw.

Check negative A values

Check why there are negative values for the estimated lorentz curve area A.

Improve SFR and WS defaults

Replace the default values wshw = 0.1527692 and sfr = c(11.44494, -1.8828) in generate_lorentz_curves() with wshw = "auto" and sfr = "auto", which should be calculated as follows:

If c(11.44494, -1.8828) is part of the ppm range, use these values, otherwise calculate them as

  1. wshw = 0.01 * width(cs) (where 0.01 is round(0.007629452, 2) and 0.007629452 equals 0.1527692 / 20.0236144338963 which is the width of the default WSHW dividided by the width of the urine_1 spectrum. I.e., the new calculation would give approximately the same proportion of the spectrum width as the default value.)
  2. sfr = max(cs) - c(1/6, 5/6) * width(cs)

Implement deconvolute_spectra

Implement deconvolute_spectra() and deconvolute_spectrum() which should be the successors of deconvolute_ispec() and deconvolute_ispecs(). In particular it should:

  1. Accept spectrum objects as input (as returned by read_spectra). See FEATURE-9.
  2. Use the correct SFR calculation as described in CHECK-2.
  3. Uses the correct water signal calculation as described in CHECK-3.
  4. Use 1-based indexing for data points as described in CHECK-4.
  5. Remove the scale factor and scaled data point numbers as described in CHECK-4.
  6. Remove negative values in a consistent way, as described by CHECK-5

Shrink test-install workflow

Currently the test-install workflow is split over three jobs, with huge amounts of code copy pasted. Extract the test into a single script that:

  1. Deletes all previously available dependencies incl. Rtools on Windows (i.e. it must be removed from the PATH)
  2. Does the installation according to the method commandline argument, e.g. “CRAN-Modern”, “CRAN-Old” or “Github”.

Refactor integral calculations

Calculate mandatory SITs in as_decon2

Elements wsrm and nvrm are mandatory in decon2 and should therefor be calculated during as_decon2. If additional data is needed to do this from decon0 and/or decon1 objects, add an argument that allows users to provide this information.

Refactor mse calculations

Refactor parameter approximation

Implement Max’ parameter approximation algorithms in calc_A, calc_lambda and calc_w.

Test deconvolute with huge nfit

Test deconvolute with peak at zero ppm

It’s unclear why checks for w[i] == 0.

Assumption: it’s a bug and leads to this peak being missed. If this is the case, remove the check from the code as well.

Remove unneeded checks

Check special handling for cases with A[i] == 0 and lambda[i] == 0 in parameter approximaton. Max analyzed it and concluded that checks are not necessary. My thought: copy paste artifacts from the the w[i] == 0 check (which is wrong).

Show prarp in plot_spectrum

Show peak scores in plot_spectrum

Check spectrum type

When reading spectra, the spectrum type should be checked (1D, 2D, etc. and if ncessary an error message should be printed)

Integrate jcampdx functions

Integrate jcampdx reader and writer functions from Max.

Remove ispec and idecon


  1. Modify below functions in a way that they return a single value instead returning the full input spectrum. The assignement to the spectrum object should be done by the caller.
  2. Modify below functions in a way, that they don’t accept idecon objects, but only spectrum objects and/or other v1.2+ elements
  3. Remove the idecon type from the package.


  1. enrich_sfr(sfr, ispec)
  2. enrich_wshw(wshw, ispec)
  3. init_lc(ispec)
  4. refine_lc_v14(ispec, lc$Z)
  5. rm_water_signal(ispec, wshw, bwc)
  6. rm_negative_signals(ispec)
  7. smooth_signals(ispec, smopts[1], smopts[2], bwc)
  8. find_peaks(ispec)
  9. filter_peaks(ispec, sfr, delta, force, bwc)
  10. fit_lorentz_curves(ispec, nfit, bwc)



CHECK-1: Use of DTYPP in load_spectrum

In function deconvolution from MetaboDecon1D_deconvolution.R:121 or the extracted version read_1r_file, the y values are read as follows:

int_type <- as.numeric(sub("\\D+", "", procs[startsWith(procs, "##$DTYPP=")]))
int_size <- if (int_type == 0) 4 else 8
path_1r <- file.path(path, expno, "pdata", procno, "1r")
spec_stream <- file(path_1r, "rb")
on.exit(close(spec_stream), add = TRUE)
y <- readBin(
   what = "int",
   size = int_size,
   n = n,
   signed = TRUE,
   endian = "little"

But in Bruker_NMR_Data_Formats.pdf it says:

The processing status parameter DTYPP defines how the data values are stored. If the DTYPP is 0 (“int”), the stored value represents a mantissa of the data point value, the processing status parameter NC_proc is the exponent. In this case all data points share the same exponent.


Their format is given by the parameter DTYPP, the byte ordering is given by the parameter BYTORDP, both may be read from the processing status parameter file procs.

e.i., we should read y as

path_1r <- file.path(path, expno, "pdata", procno, "1r")
spec_stream <- file(path_1r, "rb")
on.exit(close(spec_stream), add = TRUE)
dtypp <- as.numeric(sub("\\D+", "", procs[startsWith(procs, "##$DTYPP=")]))
ncproc <- as.numeric(strsplit(procs[startsWith(procs, "##$NC_proc=")], "=")[[1]][2])
bytordp <- as.numeric(strsplit(procs[startsWith(procs, "##$BYTORDP")], "=")[[1]][2])
if (dtypp == 0) {
   mantissa <- readBin(
      what = "int",
      size = 4,
      n = n,
      endian = if (bytordp == 0) "little" else "big",
      signed = TRUE # this needs to be verified as well
   y <- mantissa * (2 ^ ncproc)
} else {
   stop("Not yet implemented")

Note: I’ve checked the urine/urine_1/10/pdata/10/1r example file. There we have ncproc == -2, i.e. using the above described implementation, we would get y <- mantissa * (2 ^ (-2)) == y <- mantissa * 0.25, i.e. the right now the values we use are 4 times larger as they should be. I guess that’s not the end of the world, as signals get scaled anyway.

Further useful info from Bruker_NMR_Data_Formats.pdf:

The raw data files fid and ser contain one dimensional or multi-dimensional acquired data, respectively. They consist of a sequence of acquired data point values in binary format. The acquisition status parameter DTYPA defines, how the data values are stored. If the DTYPA is “int” the stored value represents a mantissa of the data point value, the acquisition parameter NC is the exponent. All data points share in this case the same exponent. If DTYPA is “double”, the data points are stored as a double precision 64 bit floating number, parameter NC is not used.

Note: there are also images in Bruker_NMR_Data_Formats.pdf explaining how to interpret 64 bit float numbers.

2024/06/28: Checked and now traced by issue FEATURE-9.

CHECK-2: SFR calculation

In function deconvolution of file MetaboDecon1D.R, the signal free region border in data points is calculated as follows:

# Calculate signal free region
signal_free_region_left  <- (spectrum_length+1)-((ppm_highest_value-signal_free_region[1])/(ppm_range/spectrum_length))
signal_free_region_right <- (spectrum_length+1)-((ppm_highest_value-signal_free_region[2])/(ppm_range/spectrum_length))

These versions contain the following two errors:

  • Error 1: spectrum$ppm_nstep is used instead of spectrum$ppm_step. That’s not really important, because it only causes a slight shift of the border towards the max value, but the number of data points to the left (or right) of the border stays the same (except for the edge case where the border falls exactly on a datapoint).
  • Error 2: The + 1 in (spectrum$n + 1) is wrong. It should be - 1. This causes the signal free border to be shifted two points to the left.

Example code to demonstrate the error:

dp <-  c(7,   6,   5,   4,   3,    2,    1,    0   )
ppm <- c(4.7, 3.4, 2.1, 0.8, -0.5, -1.8, -3.1, -4.4)
sfrl_ppm <- 2.0 # i.e. 3 points left
n <- length(dp) # 8 (n) data points, i.e. 7 (n - 1) intervals of size 1.3 in between
ppm_step <- (max(ppm) - min(ppm)) / (n - 1) # 1.3
ppm_nstep <- (max(ppm) - min(ppm)) / n # 1.11
sfrl_dp <- (n + 1) - (max(ppm) - sfrl_ppm) / ppm_nstep
# 8 - (4.7 - 2.0) / 1.11  ==  8 - 2.37  ==  6.63  ==> 1 point left
sfrl_dp_without_error_1 <- sfrl_dp <- (n + 1) - (max(ppm) - sfrl_ppm) / ppm_step
# 8 - (4.7 - 2.0) / 1.3  ==  8 - 2.08  ==  6.92  ==> 1 point left
sfrl_dp_correct <- sfrl_dp <- (n - 1) - (max(ppm) - sfrl_ppm) / ppm_step
# 6 - (4.7 - 2.0) / 1.3  ==  6 - 2.08  ==  4.92  ==> 3 point left

It’s not a big deal as we have over 100000 data points in our examples and whether we exclude e.g. 20500 or 20502 is not super important, as the user cannot make such a precise estimate anyways based on the shown plot, but it makes the code really confusing to understand.

The correct method of converting ppm to dp is (sfrl_ppm - min(ppm)) / ppm_step as done in function ppm_to_dp in 00_util.R.

Closed with v1.2 because we have a correct implementation in ppm_to_dp in 00_util.R. However, in generate_lorentz_curves() we will continue to use the wrong calculation to stay backwards compatible. The new method will be used in the successor function deconvolute_spectra(), tracked by FEATURE-10

CHECK-3: Water signal calculation

In function deconvolution of file MetaboDecon1D_deconvolution.R, the water signal border in data points is calculated as follows:

# Remove water signal
water_signal_position <- length(spectrum_x)/2
water_signal_position_ppm <- spectrum_x_ppm[length(spectrum_x_ppm)/2]
# Recalculate ppm into data points
range_water_signal<- range_water_signal_ppm/(ppm_range/spectrum_length)
water_signal_left <- water_signal_position - range_water_signal
water_signal_right <- water_signal_position + range_water_signal

This is wrong, because of the following two reasons:

  1. We count datapoints from 0 to (n - 1), i.e. taking length(spectrum_x)/2 is incorrect. It should be (length(spectrum_x) - 1)/2 instead. The reason can be easily seen in the example code below.
  2. Taking spectrum_x_ppm[length(spectrum_x_ppm)/2] as middle ppm value only works, if length(spectrum_x_ppm)/2 is an integer, i.e. in case of an even number of data points. As soon as we have an odd number of data points length(spectrum_x_ppm)/2 will be a float. E.g. for 5 data points, it will be 2.5 and calling spectrum_x_ppm[2.5] will give the wrong result.

Example code

dp <-  c(6,   5,   4,   3,    2,    1,    0  ) # median and mean is 3
ppm <- c(4.7, 3.4, 2.1, 0.8, -0.5, -1.8, -3.1) # median and mean is 0.8
n <- length(dp) # 7

# Current wrong code
ws_dp <- n/2 # 3.5
ws_ppm <- ppm[ws_dp] # error

# Correct code
ws_dp <- (n - 1)/2 # 3
ws_ppm <- (max(ppm) + min(ppm)) / 2 # 0.8 and also works for odd ((n - 1) / 2)

[!IMPORTANT] Check result: Will be fixed with function deconvolute_spectra in FEATURE-10.

CHECK-4: Data point format

  1. Why do we count data points starting from 0 instead of 1? That makes programming in R complicated, as R starts counting at 1.
  2. Why do we use “scaled data points” as x values? That’s unintuitive and (as far as I can see) unnecessary.
  3. Why do we show large ppm values left and low values right?

[!IMPORTANT] Check result: Discussion with Wolfram lead to the following conclusions:

  1. Reason why MetaboDecon starts counting at 0 is not clear. Probably because Martina has C or python background and was more comfortable with 0-based indexing. For generate_lorentz_curves we will keep the 0-based indexing to stay backwards compatible. For deconvolute_spectra we will switch to 1-based indexing. Tracked by FEATURE-10.
  2. Intention was to prevent rounding errors, but as far as I can see that’s not necessary. For deconvolute_spectra we completely remove the scale factor and scaled data point numbers. Tracked by FEATURE-10.
  3. That’s the general convention in NMR spectroscopy and stems from the fact that in the early days of NMR the frequency was kept contant and the magnetic field was changed instead. To keep the way the spectra looked like, the frequency had to be shown from high to low values. We will keep this convention.

CHECK-5: Signal preprocessing

# Remove water signal
for (i in ws$right_dp:ws$left_dp) {
   spectrum$y[i] <- 0.00000001 # <--- why not zero or min(spectrum$y)?

# Remove negative values of spectrum by Saving the absolut values
for (i in 1:length(spectrum$y)) {
   spectrum$y[i] <- abs(spectrum$y[i]) # # <--- why abs instead of zero or min(spectrum$y)?


  • WS: check if other zeros. If no, use min(spectrum$y).
  • Negatives: leave as is

CHECK-6: Negative value removal

Why do we “remove negative values” using abs instead of setting them to zero or the minimum value of the spectrum? See R/MetaboDecon1D.R#1781

# Remove negative values of spectrum by Saving the absolut values
for(i in 1:length(spectrum_y)){
   spectrum_y[i] <- abs(spectrum_y[i])

[!IMPORTANT] Check result: Discussed with Wolfram and decided that it doesn’t matter whether we use abs for negative removal or something else, as these signals should be filtered out anyways by the algorithm.

CHECK-7: Peak selection procedure

Currently the peak selection procedure

  1. Requires two loops in R, which is low
  2. Iterates from 1:(m-2) instead of 2:(m-1), which is wrong and might cause the miss of one peak if it’s at the very end of the spectrum (which is almost certainly in the signal free region so it’s not too bad).

We should use vectorized operations and correct indexing to fix this.

# Peak selection procedure

# Calculate second derivative of spectrum
second_derivative <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = length(spectrum_x)-2)
for(i in 2:length(spectrum_x)-1){
   second_derivative[1,i-1] <- spectrum_x[i]
   second_derivative[2,i-1] <- spectrum_y[i-1] + spectrum_y[i+1] -2*spectrum_y[i]

# Find all local minima of second derivative
peaks_x <- c()
peaks_index <- c()
second_derivative_border <- ncol(second_derivative)-1
for(i in 2:second_derivative_border){
   if(second_derivative[2,i] < 0){
   if((second_derivative[2,i] <= second_derivative[2,i-1]) & (second_derivative[2,i] < second_derivative[2,i+1])){
      #if(((spectrum_y[i+1] >= spectrum_y[i]) & (spectrum_y[i+1] > spectrum_y[i+2])) | ((spectrum_y[i+1] > spectrum_y[i]) & (spectrum_y[i+1] >= spectrum_y[i+2]))){
      # Add local minima to peak list
      peaks_x <- c(peaks_x, second_derivative[1,i])
      peaks_index <- c(peaks_index, i)

[!IMPORTANT] Check result: Implemented in function select_peaks_v2.

CHECK-8: Fix names in blood dataset

It should be Blood not Bood.

[!IMPORTANT] Check result: Fixed in branch test-glc

CHECK-9: Discuss peak selection

Ask Wolfram whether it’s ok that the peak selection sometimes selects two peaks for one local maximum.

[!IMPORTANT] Check result: That’s ok and by intention.

FEATURE-1: Use tempdir for example data

Function download_example_data should allow users to specify a temp dir instead the usual XDG directory. This is useful to pass CRAN checks as CRAN doesn’t allow writing to th user’ home directory.

Done with 1.1.0+d65098c.

FEATURE-2: Add minimal example dataset

Add a minimal dataset to the package, so that the user can run the examples without having to download the full example data. The minimal dataset should be smaller than 1MB. Idea: remove every second or third datapoint from two example spectra, this be enough to get below 1MB.

Canceled because with 1.1.0+d65098c we introduced caching for download_example_data, so there is no need for including the minimal dataset anymore.

FEATURE-3: Batch Mode

We should have a batch mode, that does all the above steps truly automatically and creates a pdf containing all quality control images. The pdf can be inspected later on and based on the findings the function call can be adjusted.

FEATURE-4: Parallelize

Batch mode can also run in parallel to speed up calculations. Instead of waiting 1h we need to wait 3 or 6 minutes then.

FEATURE-5: Add test suite

Write test cases for every function to ensure that future updates don’t break any existing behaviour. Tests should be run automatically upon pull requests and pushes to main.

FEATURE-6: Return lambda in hertz

Original Teams Messages:

From Wolfram at 2023/11/08 3:29 PM

Hi Tobi, ich würde MetaboDecon gerne noch um ca zwei-drei Zeilen Code erweitern. wir geben für jedes Signal einen lambda Wert an, das ist die halbe Signalbreite auf halber Höhe. Dieser Wert wird in Datenpunkten angegeben. Für viele Anwendungen braucht man diesen Wert aber auch in Hertz d.h. ich würde auch die lamda Werte in Hertz angeben die Umwandlung ist ganz einfach.

From Wolfram at 2023/11/16 10:50 AM

Hi Tobi hier ist der Code zur Linienbreitenberechnung in Hz, Achtung ich hab hier immer die gesamte Linienbreite auf halber Höhe berechnet

# Function to compute the linewidh for all detected features in Hz based on the original
# values given in points
# lw_hz = line width in Hz
# sw_hz = spectral width in hz
# dp datapoints
lw_hz <- function(spectrum_data, sw_hz) {
   for (entry in spectrum_data)
      dp <- entry$x_values[1] * 1000 + 1 # multipy  with 1000 (scale factor) and add 1 as last datapoint has index 0
      cat("dp=", dp, "\n")
      # multiply with 1000 (sale factor)
      # multiply with 2 to get full linewidth instead of half-linewidth
      # take abs as original lambda is given in negative values
      cat("lambda= ",entry$lambda_hz[5],"\n") # random signal to show that everything works
      ret_nam<-paste(return_path,entry$filename,"_lw.csv", sep="")

2024/07/09: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commit 5a9ed6ab00d8e641a2aa82d209de6604d86bf9be.

FEATURE-7: Improve return value

The complete history of transformations, e.g. “removal of water signal”, “removal of negative values” or “smoothing” should be traceable from the return value of generate_lorentz_curves. Therefore I propose the following changes to the return value of generate_lorentz_curves:

  • urine_1
    • number_of_files –> length of list
    • filename –> path
    • x_values –> remove (Currently this is given in “scaled data points”, which is a strange unit)
    • x_values_ppm –> ppm
    • y_values –> si
    • spectrum_superposition –> ??
    • mse_normed –> mse
    • index_peak_triplets_middle –> peaks$middle
    • index_peak_triplets_left –> peaks$left
    • index_peak_triplets_right –> peaks$right
    • peak_triplets_middle –> remove (see REFACTOR-6 “Single source of Truth”)
    • peak_triplets_left –> remove (see REFACTOR-6 “Single source of Truth”)
    • peak_triplets_right –> remove (see REFACTOR-6 “Single source of Truth”)
    • integrals –> ??
    • signal_free_region –> sfr
    • range_water_signal_ppm –> ws
    • A –> ??
    • lambda –> ??
    • x_0 –> ??

For the “??”” values I haven’t yet checked how they’re calculated, so I cannot really say whether or how they could be named. But for the others, the improved return value could look like this:

  • urine_1
    • ppm (parts per million for each data point)
    • si (signal intensity)
      • raw (raw)
      • wows (without water signal)
      • wows_woneg (without water signal and negative values)
      • wows_woneg_smoothed (without water signal, negative values and smoothed)
    • mse (mean squared error)
    • peak (peak triplet indices)
      • left (index of left data point)
      • center (index of middle data point)
      • right (index of right data point)
    • sfr (signal free region in ppm)
      • left (left border)
      • right (right border)
    • wshw (water signal half width in ppm)
    • path (absolute path to urine_1)
  • urine_2

2024/06/28: Closed without implementation, as we will keep the return value of generate_lorentz_curves backwards compatible with MetabDecon1D and instead fix it in deconvolute_spectra.

FEATURE-9 Implement read_spectra

Implement and export read_spectra and read_spectrum in a way that

  1. DTYPP is interpreted correctly (see CHECK-1) and
  2. The spectrum width (SW) in Hz as well as the Magnetic Field Strength is returned (see FEATURE-6).

This function can then be used to read spectra if a character string is provided as argument to deconvolute_spectra() or generate_lorentz_curves (see FEATURE-11).

2024/07/03: done in branch v1.2.0 with commit e3c35dce9965cf9a3a44383be818a8f5ab1b0c6e. Note: the Magnetic Field Strength is not returned directly, but can be calculated via function calc_B().

FEATURE-11: Accept dataframes in GLC

Let generate_lorentz_curves accept dataframes as input. This is useful for Maximilians Bachelorthesis and also makes testing easier. If necessary, implement a private wrapper around read_spectra, called read_spectra_glc that converts the return value of read_spectra to a format that can be used by deconvolute_spectra.

2024/07/15: done in branch v1.2.0 with commit fa3c427cc1680925c6a12a0eab17f14673c6ee0f.

FEATURE-14: Provide simulated datasets

Provide simulated datasets from blood spectra

2024/17/15: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commit d01706c1f5885b6e965b55c6db53c041c866ed47

FEATURE-15: Add lifecycle badges

Add lifecycle badges to all non-stable exported functions. Functions which are exported but should not be used should be marked as “experimental” or (if possible) as “internal” (idea: check where other badges are stored and whether they can be modified).

2024/07/15: Closed. Will be done with DOC-1: Document whole package.

FEATURE-17: Discard output

By default output of generate_lorentz_curves should be discarded during parallel phase. Before this phase, print a message that the remaining task might take up to a few minutes and that live output can be disabled by settings share_stdout = TRUE, but that the output might be scrambled depending on configuration of the R installation and the operating system.

2024/07/09: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commit f9bf57a5e4c7167dfc3231cfe0ee515b40ad12bf.

FEATURE-20: Implement deconvolute_blood

Implement function deconvolute_blood() which should roughly do the following

deconvolute_blood <- function(cache = TRUE, force = FALSE, ...) {
   rds <- file.path(cachedir(), "deconvolute_blood.rds")
   new <- old <- if (file.exists(rds)) readRDS(rds) else NULL
   if (cache && is.null(old)) {
      path <- download_example_datasets(...)
      new <- deconvolute(path)
   if (!(identical(new, old) || is.null(old))) {
      warning("Cache and deconvolution differ.", immediate. = TRUE)
   if (cache && (is.null(old) || force)) {
      logf("Writing results to cache file %s", rds)
      saveRDS(new, rds)

2024-10-01 20:21: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commit 9b7d65d

FEATURE-16: Improve multiprocessing

Right now, output gets scrambled because all procs share one stdout. We can fix this by not using parLapply, but distributing the tasks ourselver over the cores and in a mainloop collecting outputs and results.

Done in branch v1.2 with commit bea9348 at Thu Sep 12 17:14:20 2024 +0200

FEATURE-18: Implement plot_spectrum

Implement plot_spectrum which should be the successor of the following functions:

  • plot_triplets
  • plot_lorentz_curves_save_as_png
  • plot_spectrum_superposition_save_as_png

All the functionality, i.e.

  • showing triplets
  • showing individual lorentz curves and
  • showing superposition of all lorentz curves
  • storing plots as png on disk

should be controllable via function arguments.

2024-12-11: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commit 44f8f02

FEATURE-13: Merge into main

2025-01-16: done with commit d9e7442

CRAN-10: Resubmit to CRAN

2025-01-16: done with commit ff7d9ea

REFACTOR-1: Combine load functions

Combine load_jcampdx_spectrum and load_bruker_spectrum into one function, which calls read_jcampdx or read_bruker depending on the type argument. The read_*_spectrum function should return the measured signal strengths as vector y_ss and the corresponding ppm values as vector x_ppm. All other elements returned by the load_*_spectrum functions can be calculated from those. This makes the code more maintainable and easier to understand.

Useful info for reading bruker files: according to Bruker_NMR_Data_Formats.pdf (available through Google), the text files acqu? and proc? contain acquisition and processing parameters. Files ending with s (acqus, proc2s, …) describe the status of the dataset. Other files (acqu, proc2, …) contain parameter values used in later processing or acquisition steps. Format of all parameter files corresponds to the JCAMP-DX standard, which allows the inclusion of vendor specific parameters by prefixing them with the character sequence ##$. For this reason, all TopSpin parameters in the file are preceded by this sequence.

REFACTOR-2: Improve Text Output

The output should be improved (-License, +Timestamps). The License should not be printed after every function execution, unless there is a strong reason to do so. Timestamps should be added to the output, so the user automatically has a rough idea how long the function will take to finish.

REFACTOR-4: Plotting speed

Function plot_lorentz_curves_save_as_png is suuuuper slow. We should try to make this quicker.

2024/06/28: Closed without implementation, as the function was never exported and is now also properly marked with noRd.

REFACTOR-5: Speedup smoothing

Currently, smoothing of the spectra is done in a for-loop in R, which is slow. We can speed this up by using the filter function, which is implemented in C and therefore much faster.

Implemented in function smooth_signals_v2 in file generate_lorentz_curves.R. Unfortunately, results are slight different, due to numeric differences between the two methods, ie.

s1 <- smooth_signals_v1(spec)
s2 <- smooth_signals_v2(spec)
identical(s1, s2) == FALSE
all.equal(s1, s2) == TRUE

REFACTOR-6: Use a single unit ony

Function generate_lorentz_curves and MetaboDecon1D use different units for their calculations and in their returned list, e.g. ppm (parts per million), dp (data points) and sdp (scaled data points) as x values and si (signal intensity), ssi (scaled signal intensity) as y values. Thats not good, as each conversion introduces numeric rounding errors and whenever we do a transformation, e.g. “removal of water signal”, “removal of negative values” or “smoothing”, we need to do the transformation for all units. Instead, we should use only one unit as single source of truth and provide conversion functions for the user, e.g. ppm_to_hz or ppm_to_dp. In the final returned list, it’s ok to have all units, but at least during the calculation we should stick to ppm and si I think.

This also makes input for the user much easier, because something like the following wouldn’t occur: in function deconvolution the argument signal_free_region is interpreted as ppm if isFALSE(same_parameter) || current_filenumber == 1. Else, the argument signal_free_region is interpreted as sdp. This is confusing and error prone.

2024/06/30: Tracked by FEATURE-10 instead.

REFACTOR-7: Split up big functions

The original MetaboDecon1D function has approx. 350 lines of code and the original deconvolution function has approx 1000 lines of code. This is way too much for testing and modifying. We should extract copy-pasted parts into indivual functions and test these functions separately.

2024/06/30: Done in function generate_lorentz_curves in branch v1.2.0.

REFACTOR-8: Improve Metabodecon1D docs

Original Teams Message from Wolfram from 2023/11/08 3:29 PM

Hi Tobi, es kommen ja in letzter Zeit eine ganze Menge Fragen zu MetaboDecon auch nach den Variablen im Output. Ich hab hier eine Zusammenstellung dieser Variablen gemacht, vielleicht können wir das auch noch einbauen? Viele Grüße Wolfram

Output variables of MetaboDecon1D (These variables will be obtained for each analyzed spectrum):

  • Number_of_files: number of analyzed spectra (In case folder contains more than one spectrum value >1).
  • Filename: name of analyzed spectrum
  • X_values: all data points of original spectrum are numbered in descending order. The first data point has the maximum value and the last one the value 0. If we have for example 131072 (128k) datapoints, the first has the value 131.071. Note that numbers were divided by the scale factor which has a default value of 1000 for the x_axis.
  • X_values_ppm: as above but here the corresponding ppm values are provided.
  • Y_values: intensities of original datapoints
  • Spectrum_superposition: y-values of the superposition of all estimated Lorentzcurves, values are provided in a point-wise manner.
  • Mse_normed: final mean-squared-error after optimization of all Lorentz curves.
  • Index_peak_triplets_middle: each identified signal is defined by three data points. Here the middle data point is given. Note, numbering starts in ascending order from left to right.
  • Index_peak_triplets_left: as above for the left data point.
  • Index_peak_triplets_right: as above for the right data point.
  • Peak_triplets_middle: for each identified signal the position of the middle data point is given in ppm, order from left to right.
  • Peak_triplets_right: as above for the right data point
  • Peak_triplets_left: as above for the left datapoint.
  • Integrals: integrals of deconvoluted signals from left to right as above.
  • Signal_free_region: e.g., 109.03619, 21.79452, left and right of these borders no signals are expected. Values are in points like x_values but here with 5 instead of 3 decimals.
  • Range_water_signal_ppm: half width of water signal region i.e., where no signals should be identified in ppm, for example 0.15 ppm.
  • A: -A*p area under Lorentz-curve, see also integrals, A is always provided as negative number.
  • Lambda: for all identified signals half width at half height. Is provided as negative value in data points divided by scale-factor i.e., 1000. For example, a value of von 0.00525 corresponds to 5.25 data points. With a spectral width 12019 Hz (this example) and 31072 data points this corresponds to a half linewidth at half height of 0.48 Hz.
  • X_0: center of all estimated Lorentz curves. Provided in data points divided by scale factor (see also x_values).
  • Scale_factor: scale factor for x- and y-axis to reduce numerical instabilities, default 1000 and 1000000. Toy example for TSP signal (note numbers will differ for each spectrum): TSP is signal 979, index_peak_triplets_middle[979]=96955, x_0[979]=34.11715 (Note (131072-96955)/1000=34.117), peak_triplets_middle=0.000 ppm, lambda[979]=-0.00525 corresponds to 0.48 Hz. A[979]=-1.218312; A* Pi=-3.82, integrals[979]=3.82)

2024-06-30: Done with commit ab20d64

REFACTOR-9: Replace glc calls

Replace all glc() calls with calls to generate_lorentz_curves().

2024-10-01 17:43: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commit 0b52023

REFACTOR-10: Replace all md1d calls

  1. Implement a function get_MetaboDecon1D_answers that takes the path to the spectra as well as the required sfr, wshw values as as input and returns a vecotr with the corresponding answers to the questions asked by MetaboDecon1D.

  2. Then replace all md1d calls with code snippets as shown below:

    answers <- get_MetaboDecon1D_answers(path, sfr = c(3.5, 3.4), wshw = 0)
    decons <- evalwith(answers = answers, MetaboDecon1D(...))

    This makes it directly visible how cumbersome it is to use the old function and also can be applied to any input folder (in contrast to the current md1d function).

2024-10-07 09:21:34: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commits 18db936, 8f01fae and 6bdaa6f

REFACTOR-11: Implement calc_prarp

Implement a function calc_prarp that takes a decon object and optionally a truepar object. If truepar is not given, it shall be taken from decon$meta$simpar. The function then calculates the PRARP (peak ratio area ratio product) from it, by comparing the estimated parameters with the true parameters.

See function check_decon_quality() for existing code to reuse.

Done in 2024/10/08 in branch v1.2.0 with commit 1b7b4c1

REFACTOR-12: Write compliance tests

Write testcases for the following functions to check whether they produce results that are compliant with MetaboDecon1D():

Done in 2025/01/13 in branch v1.2.0 with commit 8c4a16b..c6c6e6a

REFACTOR-13: Write prarp tests

Write testcases for the following functions that test for a good PRARP as well as for the correct return type:

Done in 2025/01/13 in branch v1.2.0 with commit 8c4a16b..c6c6e6a

CRAN-0: Improve package title

Omit the redundant “Functions for” in your title.

CRAN-1: Improve package description

Do not start the description with “Functions for”, “This package”, package name, title or similar.

CRAN-2: Explain acronyms like NMR

Always explain all acronyms in the description text. e.g.: NMR

CRAN-3: Correct description format

Write references in the description of the DESCRIPTION file in the form authors (year) <doi:...> with no space after ‘doi:’ and angle brackets for auto-linking. (If you want to add a title as well please put it in quotes: “Title”)

CRAN-4: Always Explain return value

Please add \value to .Rd files regarding exported methods and explain the functions results in the documentation. Please write about the structure of the output (class) and also what the output means. (If a function does not return a value, please document that too, e.g. \value{No return value, called for side effects} or similar). Missing Rd-tags in up to 11 .Rd files, e.g.: combine_peaks.Rd: \value, dohCluster.Rd: \value, …

CRAN-5: Remove unexported examples

You have examples for unexported functions. Please either omit these examples or export these functions. Examples for unexported function with example: plot_spectrum_superposition_save_as_png().

CRAN-6: Fix vignettes

In addition, we see: “Unexecutable code in vignettes/metabodecon.Rmd”: the # should be before "2)" instead of afterwards, I guess.

CRAN-7: Check dontrun examples

Remove dontrun from examples if they are executable in < 5 sec, or create additionally small toy examples to allow automatic testing in < 5 sec. Reason: \dontrun{} should only be used if the example really cannot be executed by the user, e.g. because of missing additional software, missing API keys, etc. That’s why wrapping examples in \dontrun{} adds the comment (“# Not run:”) as a warning for the user. Alternative: You could also replace \dontrun{} with \donttest, if it takes longer than 5 sec to be executed, but it would be preferable to have automatic checks for functions. Otherwise, you can also write some tests.

Done in 2025/01/13 in branch v1.2.0 with commit 8c4a16b..c6c6e6a

CRAN-8: Ask before writing to disk

Please ensure that your functions do not write by default or in your examples/vignettes/tests in the user’s home filespace (including the package directory and getwd()). This is not allowed by CRAN policies. Please omit any default path in writing functions. In your examples/vignettes/tests you can write to tempdir().

ToSc: affected functions are:

  • generate_lorentz_curves
  • plot_triplets

2024/06/28: Implemented with f5d63f7, 6491b42 and 76b8c4d.

CRAN-9: Do not change global state

Please make sure that you do not change the user’s options, par or working directory. If you really have to do so within functions, please ensure with an immediate call of on.exit() that the settings are reset when the function is exited. E.g. R/MetaboDecon1D.R. If you’re not familiar with the function, please check ?on.exit. This function makes it possible to restore options before exiting a function even if the function breaks. Therefore it needs to be called immediately after the option change within a function.

FIX-1: Fix crashes when high smoothing

From: Maximilian Sombke Sent: Friday, July 12, 2024 2:59 PM To: Tobias2 Schmidt Subject: Re: Benchmark Metabodecon>


sorry für die ganzen mails. Ich wollte es nur so früh wie möglich kommunizieren, falls ich keine Lösung finde. Ich hab glaube ich sogar etwas sehr Interessantes gefunden worüber wir nächste Woche nochmal reden sollten. Als kurze Zusammenfassung:

Meine Vermutung, dass es daran liegt, dass keine Peaks gefunden werden ist nicht richtig. Das tatsächliche Problem ist, dass keine Peaks herausgefiltered werden. Hier mal ein output log:

2024-07-12 14:54:40.96 Starting deconvolution of 1 spectra with 1 core
2024-07-12 14:54:40.96 Starting deconvolution of sim_6
2024-07-12 14:54:40.96 Removing water signal
2024-07-12 14:54:40.96 Removing negative signals
2024-07-12 14:54:40.96 Smoothing signals
2024-07-12 14:54:41.06 Starting peak selection
2024-07-12 14:54:41.06 Detected 4 peaks
2024-07-12 14:54:41.06 Removing peaks with low scores
2024-07-12 14:54:41.06 Removed NA peaks
2024-07-12 14:54:41.06 Initializing Lorentz curves
Error in xl[ds] <- 2 * xc[ds] - xr[ds] (deconvolution.R#63): NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments

Es findet also 4 peaks aber keiner davon scheint einen score zu haben der niedrig genug ist um herausgefiltered zu werden, wodurch das dann einfach NA ist und das Program crashed. Das passiert hauptsächlich wenn smoothing einen gewissen Threshold überschreitet, z.B. smoothing iterations 20 und smoothing window size 29, bzw. 15 und 39, oder 25 und 25. Delta scheint zu mindest keinen Einfluss hierauf zu haben, es war nur delta = 1 die erste Zeile im Grid in der sollche hohen smoothing kombinationen erreicht werden. Die zu hohen Parameter nicht zu verwenden hat das Problem (zu mindest bis jetzt) gelöst.

  • Sombke Maximilian

2024/07/09: Done in branch v1.2.0 with commit f5c204cab44b838afe5d5e8c7ace8c74f11b293c.

DOC-1: Document whole package

Document the whole package in vignettes, including chapters about:

Done on 2025/01/14 in branch v1.2.0 with commit 14e0326..71fdc2c