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Generate a feature matrix.


  ppm_range = get_ppm_range(data_path),
  si_size_real_spectrum = length(data_path$y_values),
  scale_factor_x = 1000,
  warn = TRUE



A list of deconvoluted spectra as returned by generate_lorentz_curves(). In older versions, this could also be the path passed to generate_lorentz_curves(), but this is deprecated and will trigger a warning. See 'Details' for more information.


The ppm range over which your signals are distributed.


Number of data points in your spectra.


The x scale factor used during the deconvolution.


Whether to print a warning in case a file path is passed to data_path instead of a list of deconvoluted spectra.


A list with the following elements:

data_matrix: A data.frame where each row corresponds to one spectrum and each column to one data point, i.e. for 10 input spectra with 131072 data points each data_matrix would have dimensions 10 x 131072.

peakList: A list of vectors, where each vector contains the indices of the peaks in the corresponding spectrum. The indices increase from left to right, i.e. the smallest index corresponds to the highest ppm value, as the ppm values decrease from left to right.

w: A list of vectors where each vector contains the "position parameter" of the peaks in the corresponding spectrum.

A: A list of vectors where each vector contains the "area parameter" of the peaks in the corresponding spectrum.

lambda: A list of vectors where each vector contains the "width parameter" of the peaks in the corresponding spectrum.


Before version 1.2 of 'metabodecon', the deconvolution functions generate_lorentz_curves and MetaboDecon1D wrote their output partially as txt files to their input folder. Back then, gen_feat_mat() used those txt files as input to generate the feature matrix. Since version 1.2 these txt files are no longer created by default, to prevent accidental modifications of the input folders. Therefore, the recommended way to pass the required information to gen_feat_mat() is to directly pass the output of generate_lorentz_curves() to gen_feat_mat(). However, to stay backwards compatible, the name of parameter data_path was not changed and passing an actual path to data_path is still possible, but will result in a warning (unless warn is set to FALSE).


Initial version from Wolfram Gronwald. Refactored by Tobias Schmidt in 2024.


sim_subset <- metabodecon_file("sim_subset")
decons <- generate_lorentz_curves_sim(sim_subset)
obj <- gen_feat_mat(decons)
str(obj, 2, give.attr = FALSE)
#> List of 5
#>  $ data_matrix: num [1:2, 1:2048] 0.0122 0.0105 0.0122 0.0106 0.0123 ...
#>  $ peakList   :List of 2
#>   ..$ sim_01: num [1:27] 486 529 560 630 702 ...
#>   ..$ sim_02: num [1:30] 552 590 636 691 766 ...
#>  $ w          :List of 2
#>   ..$ sim_01: num [1:27] 1.56 1.52 1.49 1.42 1.35 ...
#>   ..$ sim_02: num [1:30] 1.5 1.46 1.41 1.36 1.28 ...
#>  $ A          :List of 2
#>   ..$ sim_01: num [1:27] -0.000158 -0.060544 -0.001124 -0.155302 -0.019516 ...
#>   ..$ sim_02: num [1:30] -0.00377 -0.05931 -0.00255 -0.14508 -0.01957 ...
#>  $ lambda     :List of 2
#>   ..$ sim_01: num [1:27] -0.00713 -0.00763 -0.008 -0.00838 -0.00732 ...
#>   ..$ sim_02: num [1:30] -0.01002 -0.00794 -0.01318 -0.00856 -0.00757 ...