Plots the peak triplets for each peak detected by MetaboDecon1D()
and stores the plots as png at outdir
Superseded by plot_spectrum()
since metabodecon v1.2.0. Will be replaced with v2.
- deconv_result
Saved result of the MetaboDecon1D() function
- x_range
Row vector with two entries consisting of the ppm start and the ppm end value to scale the range of the x-axis (optional)
- y_range
Row vector with two entries consisting of the ppm start and the ppm end value to scale the range of the y-axis (optional)
- out_dir
Directory to save the png files (optional)
- ask
Logical value to ask the user if the png files should be saved in the specified directory (optional)
Martina Haeckl, 2021: Initial version. Tobias Schmidt, 2024: Minor updates to pass CRAN checks.
sim <- metabodecon_file("bruker/sim_subset")
sim_decon <- generate_lorentz_curves_sim(sim)
png_dir <- tmpdir("sim_decon/pngs", create = TRUE)
plot_triplets(sim_decon, out_dir = png_dir, ask = FALSE)
#> Plot triplets of sim_01
#> Plot triplets of sim_02
dir(png_dir, full.names = TRUE)
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp9emw6O/metabodecon/sim_decon/pngs/sim_01_lorentz_curves.png"
#> [2] "/tmp/Rtmp9emw6O/metabodecon/sim_decon/pngs/sim_01_peak_triplets.png"
#> [3] "/tmp/Rtmp9emw6O/metabodecon/sim_decon/pngs/sim_01_sum_lorentz_curves.png"
#> [4] "/tmp/Rtmp9emw6O/metabodecon/sim_decon/pngs/sim_02_lorentz_curves.png"
#> [5] "/tmp/Rtmp9emw6O/metabodecon/sim_decon/pngs/sim_02_peak_triplets.png"
#> [6] "/tmp/Rtmp9emw6O/metabodecon/sim_decon/pngs/sim_02_sum_lorentz_curves.png"